Friday, December 26, 2014

The Power of Unforgiveness

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When any of us refuse to forgive, remember this:

You could be living in riches and feasting in the mansions of God's grace in kindness toward us but you have chosen to live as a vagrant on the streets of unforgiveness.

Worse yet, you have voluntarily locked yourself into the dungeon of bitterness, and though you hold the key of forgiveness with the power to unlock every door inside, you refuse to suffer your own escape.

You have drank poison in hopes of killing your enemy, ignoring the fact that you have secretly become what you hate.

You have forgotten your own forgiveness, and renounced your inheritance – the inheritance of mercy purchased for us by Christ on the cross. Repent and let it go! Gently lower your burden into the hands pierced for you and pursue peace, that it may find you. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Love stands at the door and He knocks. Will you answer His call?