Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Meteors streaked through the ancient skies as primitive man stared up into the heavens, hopeless to explain what he saw - clueless to the fact that the millions of lights were in fact, brilliant burning orbs of plasma millions of times larger than the earth he stood upon.

Yet modern science is no more equipped to explain what we see today than modern man was yesterday. We've discovered that the universe is vast - so vast it is beyond comprehension while at the same time discovering that may be as deep and complex as it is massive.

Every millimeter of space holds countless particles we are clueless to even begin to explain, whose properties are wilder than we can imagine, while at the same time, any larger object moving close to the speed of light similarly behaves in strange ways we have just begun to understand.

And this is just the beginning. The science a hundred years from now will mock our feeble attempts to describe the world today, and will still be no closer to having a full picture of reality than we do today.

Don't be deceived; man will never fully make sense of what God created. Science has yet to even begin to understand the human body, and we are as clueless as the first man to describe this universe. Therefore, science is only a lens by which we view the pan-infinite complexity God created easily.

If one desires to know the full reason a work of art was created, he must go ask the creator. Likewise, if we are to understand this reality, we must view through the lens of Christ and His Word.

Next time you stare up into the skies, imagine this: it is not only possible to know facts about the One who created all these things; it is possible to truly know Him - to be loved by Him.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Thought on Tragedy

When tragedy happens, we find ourselves asking why. It doesn't seem to make sense and we find ourselves questioning why such things would happen.

The question is valid; none of this makes sense because we are living in a broken world when we were meant to live in a place God made perfect. We weren't built to deal with tragedy, we were built for the glory of God.

But God takes senseless evil and turns it around for the good of those who love him, because the day will come when He returns and flips the world on its head. Sadness and pain will become blissful justice accompanied with our shouts of joy.

Genesis 3 brokenness will become Genesis 1 goodness... more so than we can even imagine.

I eagerly look for that Day along with all those who call upon the Name.